

Piled Higher and Deeper

Dad Blogs  
GeekDad - The famous Wired.com blog - name says it all - the best out there
Dadcentric: A great blog with a lot of contributors, that I think has a great voice for the modern dad. 
Chopper Papa: A single dad who is into motorcycles and raising his kids right.  A blog about fatherhood, divorce, relationships, and other intellectual roadkill. Great blog.
Hopeless Cases: confessions of a [former stay-at-home] punk rock dad and all things in between. How can you argue with that?  Plus, he is an editor at a beer magazine.  Lets see... Punk rock - check, Beer - check, kids - check...  Well seems like the perfect match for me.

Mom Blogs
Totally Mental Mommy: A very real and honest blog.  TMM is unafraid to put everything out there.  

stark.raving.mad.mommy: How can you go wrong with a blog title like that.
Mommy Wants Vodka: A very hilarious and painfully truthful blog.  Aunt Becky (the blog's author) is awesome.
Rants from Mommyland: Another very funny, but very insightful Mom blog.
Donkeys to College: A mom blog with smatterings of pop culture thrown in.

Physics and Science Blogs
Physics and Physicists: A great blog by ZapperZ which he keeps very up to date.  Self explanatory.
Geek Dad: The famous Wired.com blog for geek dads, by geek dads.  Love it.
FemaleScienceProfessor: a great blog all about academia, science and all the insanity that your professors have to deal with.  Very insightful into the problems and trials of academic research and academic life.
arXiv blog: A great blog that reports on new preprints uploaded to the arXiv.org.
Cliff Mass Weather Blog: A nice blog about climate, weather, meteorology, and atmospheric science.
SDO is GO: The Solar Dynamics Observatory is a NASA satellite that observes the Sun.  Great pictures!

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