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Turkey Sacrifice by flikr user gusset (used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) |
Great title, is it not?
So, I have been very far away from reading and writing blogs lately. Sorry about that. Busy with trying to get work finished before our Thanksgiving famication to Wisconsin. Yep just made that word famication up. No, it is not a vacation. Since I spend all my time trying to relax but never getting to because I have to drive to or from some family members house every day. I don't know why I bother flying home, I spent a total of 10 hours in cars driving to different family members' homes for a 6 day visit.
When I first got married I thought it was nice that my in-laws lived an hour from my parents. Thank you world for clearing that misconception up.
Actually other than the usual holiday family insanity, it was a great trip. I spent a lot of time with friends I haven't seen in a long time and got to catch up. I also got to party like the rock star that I am. Let me explain.
So, Thanksgiving Day I had our celebration with my in-laws at my mother-in-laws house. My last visit with her was a disaster. I thought I did, but I never really went into it on here like I had planned. The quick and dirty of it is that she blew up at me about something that was not my doing (actually her daughter, my wife's fault) then proceeded to basically say she doesn't like me, never has. In my ever mature nature, I let her know the same thing right back with a few fuck yous thrown in for good measure. It basically ended with me conceding that I need to be more thankful to her and her conceding nothing. Win some, lose some. Oh well.
So, I was more than a little nervous about this visit. It went fine (from my point of view anyway).
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I don't know... it's funny. Photo by flikr user wisze (used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) |
I haven't seen 3 AM without a sick kid in 5 years. I was hurting on Saturday. Especially when Turkey Day round 2 started at 10 am with family showing up. Ouch.
After a turkey lunch I had dinner plans. One of my best friends from college married a girl this summer from my neck of the woods, so BW and I got to get together for dinner. It was great seeing a great old friend. And I got out of the house sans kidlets 2 nights in a row. That also hasn't happened in over 4 years. It was great.
The next morning we did Christmas for the kids with my family since they won't see them on Christmas. We do Thanksgiving instead of Christmas these days because it is just easier.
So, for you folks keeping track at home. Those 4 days consisted of: Thanksgiving, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
Can I just skip holidays/celebrations for a few months... Please?